
Shakotan Peninsula & Cape Kamui

Tour information

Tour name

Shakotan Peninsula & Cape Kamui


92 Kozakicho, Shakotan-cho, Shakotan-gun, Hokkaido

Representative phone number

Shakotan Tourism Association

Services and fees

Introduction - Shakotan Peninsula is a peninsula in western Hokkaido. The origin of the place's name is Shak Kotan, which means summer village in the Ainu language. Rich in scenic scenery, the coastline is designated as Niseko-Shakotan Otaru Coast National Monument. Cape Kamui is a cape on the Shakotan Peninsula. Kamui means "God" in the Ainu language. From the parking lot at the base of the cape to the tip, there is a 770-meter-long promenade named "Charenka Road", and you can reach the tip in about 30 minutes on foot. The blueness of Shakotan's sea is described as "Shakotan Blue".
< Time >
April(8:00~17:30 Admission 8:00~16:30)、May(8:00~18:00 Admission 8:00~17:00)、June(8:00~18:30 Admission 8:00~17:30)、July(8:00~18:00 Admission 8:00~17:00)、August - October(8:00~17:30 Admission 8:00~16:30)、November(8:00~16:30 Admission 8:00~15:30)、December - March(10:00~15:00 Admission 10:00~14:00)


1 hour 20 minutes by bus from JR Otaru Station to Shakotan Yobetsu. 5 minutes by bus from Shakotan Yobetsu to Cape Kamui bus stop. From there, it is a 30-minute walk to Cape Kamui.



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